Holistic Psychotherapy
and Soul Coaching
As a holistic psychotherapist, I draw on western psychological practices and eastern approaches to health and healing that integrate mind, body and spirit for individuals as well as couples. Learn more.
How is what I do different from talk therapy?
I support my clients to drop from the ideas in their mind and into their direct experience of ‘this moment’ in their body. Learn more

8 Keys For Living Your Wellness
Recent Articles
Co-creating Through the Law of Synchronicity
The law of synchronicity operates from the belief that our souls attract people, places and events into our lives that help us to grow, develop, make meaning and evolve in consciousness. When your sacred enquiry and intention is to embrace the right circumstances and...
Your Self Love is An Act of Empowerment
There's a map inside of you that you may not always use, or may be unsure of how to use and that's your inner guidance system. How do we get to that still quiet voice connected to our inner guidance when we are seeking answers, solace, wisdom and insight? Turning...
3 Keys To Awakening Feminine Consciousness
Cultivating a balanced life that honours the feminine is a journey of awakening and an act of feminism. Feminism of the Soul. Our organisations and institutions tend to be steeped in masculine consciousness which is goal driven and action oriented. We may barely...
Online Courses
Time of the Moonflower
The Gold Tent
5 Steps to Heal from Betrayal
7 Day Lakshmi Home Retreat