Holistic Psychotherapy

and Soul Coaching

As a holistic psychotherapist, I draw on western psychological practices and eastern approaches to health and healing that integrate mind, body and spirit for individuals as well as couples. Learn more.

How is what I do different from talk therapy?

I support my clients to drop from the ideas in their mind and into their direct experience of ‘this moment’ in their body. Learn more

8 Keys For Living Your Wellness

Recent Articles

Just Letting Go – Is it that Easy?

Just Letting Go – Is it that Easy?

Does letting go of something in your life sound easier said than done?  You may have tried to let go of a past hurt, betrayal or transgression caused by someone else or perhaps it is an error or mistake you made that you feel shame or guilt around.  How do we let...

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Shifting Stuckness And Getting Back into Your Flow

Shifting Stuckness And Getting Back into Your Flow

The most common experience I hear from clients around being stuck around an EXTERNAL circumstance, a problem, financial, work or relationship issue is that their response to what has happened externally is unresolved INTERNALLY. We may experience this as a polarizing...

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Don’t Shut Down – Compassionate Presence

Don’t Shut Down – Compassionate Presence

Compassionate Presence Don't Shut Down Our past pain is an important illuminator to how our separation from self shows up in our lives in the present moment.  Disconnect is usually associated with some form of pain, trauma or abuse from our past. But dwelling only on...

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Online Courses

Time of the Moonflower

The Gold Tent

5 Steps to Heal from Betrayal

7 Day Lakshmi Home Retreat