Holistic Psychotherapy

and Soul Coaching

As a holistic psychotherapist, I draw on western psychological practices and eastern approaches to health and healing that integrate mind, body and spirit for individuals as well as couples. Learn more.

How is what I do different from talk therapy?

I support my clients to drop from the ideas in their mind and into their direct experience of ‘this moment’ in their body. Learn more

8 Keys For Living Your Wellness

Recent Articles

Shift Your Mood Without Drugs

Shift Your Mood Without Drugs

When you’re noticing your mood has gone down, through blocks, stressors in your life, work or relationship challenges a shift inevitably first needs to be initiated from the INSIDE.  Plugging IN to your inner landscape is an important practice for conducting a...

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Dealing with Anger – Do You Get Mad or Sad?

Dealing with Anger – Do You Get Mad or Sad?

Generally speaking, there are two ways we experience the emotion of being hurt – through anger or sorrow. Women tend to do sad rather than mad when something has upset us and men tend to do mad. I work with women who often cry when they are angry about...

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Relationships Are Hard. But Why?

Relationships Are Hard. But Why?

https://youtu.be/2xKXLPuju8U   My belief is that whether we are a couple or single, we are all still in relationship. There will always and inevitably be people in our family, friendship circle, workplace or community that we may feel deep connection with. ...

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Online Courses

Time of the Moonflower

The Gold Tent

5 Steps to Heal from Betrayal

7 Day Lakshmi Home Retreat